首先,检查绘图的粗糙库存,以确保它是正确的尺寸。每项工作都有正确的步骤,并对图纸检查将显示它们的简单形式。这些是计划的操作。第一步是在齿轮坯料面上切割真正的表面,第二步正在钻孔。在第三步中,使试验钻入切割以获得正确的锥度。第四步,另一项试验削减建立了正确的锥度。第五步将锥度与粗糙的尺寸带来圆锥形。第六步或铰孔操作将锥度精确到精确尺寸。运营商可视化要完成的内容后,车床设置为作业。由于大部分工作都在中心孔中完成。 this stock cannot be placed between centers, it must be held in a chuck. because the stock is raw and may be out of round, a four-jaw independent chuck of the proper size is chosen, it will hold the stock securely, the threads on the headstock spindle and in the chart cleaned and oiled since chips or dirt may damage them. a board is placed across the bed to protect the ways from damage in case the Chuck is dropped, then the Chuck is screwed on the spindle until it comes against the shoulder. in this setup, Chuck does the driving. the jaws of a Chuck are opened wide enough to receive the stop. the stock is centered approximately by checking with the concentric circles scored on Chuck’s face. although the stock may appear to be centered, the eyes cannot be trusted. further steps must be taken to get to work as near the exact center as is possible.
检查绘制锥度尺寸的绘图,选择小于锥度的小端的钻头。它必须更小,使得足够的金属将留下形成和完成锥度。在尾部工作场所钻一个洞。有时,使用定心工具用于在工作中剪导孔。必须小心,该指南孔位于中心。然后将钻头切入到该中心孔中。通常在生产中,没有制造导向或中心孔。在该方法中,在工具柱中保持的杆用于引导钻头,因为它慢慢进入工作。钻头进入工作后,钢条被拆除。车床开始,钻头用简单的动作将钻入工作中。 cutting oil is used for lubrication, the lathe is stopped and the drill is removed.
为了准确地制作内部锥度,使用锥形附件。锥形附件具有固定在车床床上的化合物载玻片。将锁定复合搁置到十字填充螺钉的螺栓被移除到过滤螺钉上。并且交叉填料连接到锥形附件。当使用托架进料时,将在设置锥形附件的角度下进行切割。在操作员设置机器之前,检查图纸。绘图呼吁每只脚的一锥形半英寸。锥形附件必须设置为书面规范。如尾座上的刻度所示,滑动件被设定为每英尺1/2英寸。锁定螺钉现在拧紧以保持滑动夹在此设置。 the drilled hole must be enlarged and tapered and this is a boring operation.
镗刀有一个长柄,因为大部分切割在最后都完成它必须是尖锐的。要正确支持该工具,使用V-Block刀架。为了防止更快门,镗孔工具不应超出B块的任何更远的块。镗孔工具的切削刃设定在库存的中心线上。D-块中的柄部通常平行于车床的中心线设置。下一步是实际镗孔:第一切割是为了建立角度,通过逆时针转动化合物进给车轮来设定切口的深度,这将工具朝向操作者和工作中移动。该工具随着自动架送料而喂食。在进行灯光试验后,清洁锥孔并检查,以查看角度是否正确。插头表是用于检查锥度的工具:它是一种精确的仪器,锥形插头必须在孔中转动,甚至每次检查锥度时都会戴上锥形,直到它不再是准确的仪表。在这种情况下,检查显示大端有松散的配合。 this means the taper is too steep, the angle of the taper slide is slightly and another trial cut is made with the boring tool. the taper plug gauge fits snugly indicating that the taper angle is correct. to get the total depth of the final cuts, measure from the face of the work to the limit line which is marked on the plug. from this, the amount of metal to be removed can be figured. 5 thousandths of an inch should be allowed for reaming. the final cut with a boring tool is now made.