如果你长大了木工或你在当地的硬件商店,你认为像虎钳一样的想法可能看起来比你在机器商店中所看到的不同。第一个差异之一是轮廓和虎钳的形状。我们更喜欢常常称为CNC VISE的内容。这些具有平坦和地面的视觉。this lets you do two key things: you could rotate the vise up on its side or you can use those precision flat edges to easily tram in the vise, whether you’re sweeping it with an indicator or if you’ve got a fixture plate a couple of dowel pins, you can push that vise up against those towel pins.
借用小部件203的示例,从括号部分开始,我们使用传统的虎钳,但是钳口有点不同。为了最大限度地减少材料量,请使用爪钳。这种材料是挤出的,大多是铝。沿这部分的X轴的挤出线。这种材料将存在一定量的张力或压力。虽然铝6061没有作为冷轧钢的压力,但是有一些压力。when using traditional vise jaws, the part might curve or bow a little bit, ways to solve that range from sending material out to be de-stressed that can be done in its billet form or it can be done when you’ve done an op-1 where you’ve left additional material. you can also minimize that by trying to remove equal amounts of material on both sides of the part. you can also try to cut away that bottom plane, leaving as much material as you can to accommodate that flex, re-clamping it in a stress-free state to re-decking the material again.