切割平台主要有水射流切割、激光切割和等离子切割。激光切割或水射流会更倾向于更大的板材因为处理是人工的,这是成本所在。机器的速度很快,纸越大越好。如果你想要各种各样的商店能够拉你的部分,4*10是好的。当我们谈到平面图案时,另一种包装融合可以让你创造金属薄片,然后把它展开,它就创造了一个平面图案,然后我们可以使用各种不同的过程来创造这个图案。取决于你选择的是哪一种,它可以实现这些功能的一部分或全部。每件事都有权衡,这就是为什么有不同的机器或商店,就像披风,为什么我们有每一台机器。因为他们都有自己的效率,好的和坏的品质。水射流的精确度很高,速度也很慢,但它可以切割任何东西。人们总是问,当他们看到水喷射,它能切割多厚? the answer is pretty much anything. you can squeeze underneath that head, that’s what it’s going to cut, but reasonably it can cut very thick pages in comparison to the other processes. laser cutting is probably the most common process that you’re seeing right now because it’s an extremely high accuracy, the costs of fiber lasers have come down, the speed has gone up. those are extremely highly accurate features. it’s very fast, so we can cut sixteenth-inch steel at a thousand inches a minute for reference. the head moves quickly, it would scare you the first time you see it. you can cut thinner gauges of materials down below. we can’t avoid foil cutting, but you can cut very thin things. we can cut up to one inch thick steel, but you can only cut metal. it’s best for metals. plasma cutting is like a blend of the two, and in-between. it has good accuracy, maybe in some ways not as good as water jet, it puts a lot of heat into the part, you may have to worry about distortion possibly. it has a higher speed, you can do thick gauges metal only.