



榫槽比你想象的更容易被撬开。首先拆除门上原有的榫卯气缸,松开固定气缸的固定螺丝,将钢板卸下来,用一个螺丝将其收回大约4圈,然后把钥匙放进去大约半圈,让它松开。如果你能感觉到它特别紧,那么你正朝着正确的方向前进。取下印版后,即可将钢瓶取出。榫槽的弱点是致命的。理论上,小偷可以拿个大东西一个大管钳把它放在这个汽缸上折断它绕过它,然后进去。但有一种方法可以解决这个问题,那就是使用汽缸护罩。门的标准榫卯圆柱是一英寸的榫卯圆柱。在现实中买,如果你要使用汽缸护罩,你需要用一英寸和八分之一的榫眼汽缸来替换锁,这是较长的。因为门卫可能会在门和锁之间制造一个合适的缝隙,你在任何情况下都不想让门有缝隙。 In a situation like this, you have two options you can either put a cylinder guard on or you could put a thicker collar on. What’s worth mentioning after you put on the cylinder guard is that the cylinder guard should be able to spin freely and the face of the cylinder should not be sticking out over it. One thing you want to consider is the size of the keys. Some people like to have the cylinder buried way back to the door, which is perfectly fine. But you need to make sure when you’re sticking the key in, there’s enough clearance on a do not duplicate type of key. Having a gap between the actual lock and the cylinder guards’ outer edges is a good spot to be. Putting on the cylinder guards helps when someone tries to stick a pipe wrench on the lock, it will only spin and not damaging the actual mortise cylinder. After everything is done, tighten up the set screw again then you are back in business! There you have it, this how you can use a cylinder guard to increase the security of a mortise cylinder on the door.

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